Sabbath rest for sheep: John 10:1-21

Dear Jesus, We come to you today as sheep — not very wise, not very powerful, without much influence in the world, but creatures that you love. You call each of us by name, you bring us out to be near you, and you yourself lead us through this world as our shepherd. So, Lord,… Continue reading Sabbath rest for sheep: John 10:1-21

On God’s closeness: Matthew 9:1-17

Blessed are you, LORD our God, King of the universe — Out of nothing, you brought all existence, Out of chaos you brought order, Out of the bare earth, you brought life. LORD God, King of the universe, Your are above all, beyond all, you stand outside all time and space — you alone are… Continue reading On God’s closeness: Matthew 9:1-17

In praise of the Word: 2 Timothy 3:14-16

LORD God, King of the universe, By your word you brought creation into being — you spoke, and your words so perfectly expressed your will, your character, your heart that existence itself leapt out of nothing in obedience. By your word, you called order out of chaos, life out of dry dust, man out from… Continue reading In praise of the Word: 2 Timothy 3:14-16

Asking for profligate love: Philippians 1:1-11

Our loving Father, Here we are — your holy people, come to love you together. Not holy by our own means, not perfect or blameless by the world’s standards, but in our Lord Jesus, entirely loved and welcomed by you. Father, we are here again today to sing together your promises — those promises you… Continue reading Asking for profligate love: Philippians 1:1-11

Peace, peace, and accusation: Luke 12:49 – 13:5

Dear Lord Jesus, We approach you in a time of division and extremes, paradox and impossibility. We live in a world of total connectivity, yet are isolated in our homes, half of us unbearably lonely, the other half desperate for respite from our cell mates. The world has been driven to ground by a virus,… Continue reading Peace, peace, and accusation: Luke 12:49 – 13:5

‘I count everything as loss’: Philippians 3:1-11

Dear Lord Jesus, How hard it is sometimes to pray. How hard to quieten ourselves, to still our souls, and attend to you fully. How bright and hard and noisy the world is, and how silent you sometimes seem in comparison. We are surrounded by whirlwinds — by the clamour of wars and politics and… Continue reading ‘I count everything as loss’: Philippians 3:1-11