How long? Luke 17:20-18:8; Revelation 6:9-10

Dear Father, We come to you to again remind ourselves that this ordinary world is on the clock. Like the busy and small-minded people of every age, we so easily get caught up in the school time-table, and taxes, and mowing the lawn, and keeping up, and fitting in, and getting it done, and we… Continue reading How long? Luke 17:20-18:8; Revelation 6:9-10

Peace, peace, and accusation: Luke 12:49 – 13:5

Dear Lord Jesus, We approach you in a time of division and extremes, paradox and impossibility. We live in a world of total connectivity, yet are isolated in our homes, half of us unbearably lonely, the other half desperate for respite from our cell mates. The world has been driven to ground by a virus,… Continue reading Peace, peace, and accusation: Luke 12:49 – 13:5