Peace, peace, and accusation: Luke 12:49 – 13:5

Dear Lord Jesus, We approach you in a time of division and extremes, paradox and impossibility. We live in a world of total connectivity, yet are isolated in our homes, half of us unbearably lonely, the other half desperate for respite from our cell mates. The world has been driven to ground by a virus,… Continue reading Peace, peace, and accusation: Luke 12:49 – 13:5

Martha and Mary: Luke 10:38-42, Psalm 1

Dear Father, Today we welcome you into our house.  You sent Jesus to stand and knock, and look — here we are!  We open the door and invite you into our midst; be amongst us, bless us, and make your home with us.  We are here today in worship because we want you. And yet,… Continue reading Martha and Mary: Luke 10:38-42, Psalm 1